Unforgettable Christmas! Kansas City Chiefs star Justin Reid moves mother to tears with surprising Christmas gift

Quarterbacks aren’t the only ones in the NFL giving out generous Christmas gifts this holiday season, as Kansas City Chiefs star Justin Reid purchased a brand-new car for a local mother of six.

Reid stopped by a local Ford dealership in Kansas in a Santa suit for his second annual ‘Just-In-Time for the Holidays’ event. The advertised portion of the night was giving more than 50 local children Christmas gifts.

Then came the huge reveal for Bonnie Strutton, a new SUV, with her current car in the shop and one she considers a ‘gas guzzler’, per KCTV.

As soon as Reid presented the new car to Strutton, she burst into tears. She only attended the event to have her children participate.

‘I don’t even know what to say,’ Strutton said. ‘I’m speechless.’

‘It’s just been one thing after another. This is such a blessing. Good things keep happening, you just have to keep doing the next right thing.’

Kansas City Chiefs star Justin Reid purchased a brand-new car for a local mother of six
Bonnie Strutton was speechless after the reveal with tears coming down her face last week

It is unclear how Reid heard of Strutton and the struggles she has in her life. Yet, he did not hesitate to jump into action.

‘The same way she’s doing the next right thing, we wanted to do the next right thing and recognize her situation and to help her out with a brand-new vehicle,’ Reid said. ‘We’re all excited to be a part of Bonnie’s story, just to play a small piece in it. We’re excited to see her continue in her journey.’

Strutton is also celebrating 30 months of sobriety this holiday season.

Justin Reid teams up with KCK dealership to give mother of 6 brand-new car


The gift giving took place last week as Reid is now in Pennsylvania as the Chiefs make last-second preparations for Wednesday’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

‘To have all my kids back in my life and this right here is going to be more of a connection than anybody could know,’ Strutton said. ‘Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up before the miracle happens because people do see you, they hear you, and they love you.’


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