Dean retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Sergeant Major after a 28-year career. He appeared on radio shows, television documentaries, and at conferences discussing the topic of UFOs and the government cover-up of extraterrestrial visitation to Earth.
Dean claimed to have seen a classified government document called “The Assessment” that purportedly discussed threats posed by extraterrestrial activity on Earth and concluded that no such threats existed.
Dean said he considers himself a professional UFO investigator and had “Top Secret Cosmic” clearance while in the military.
During his long life, Dean visited the alien ship 6 times. Four times in one alien civilization and once in two others.
The former military man described the aliens in different ways. For example, the last one looked like a small bundle of energy. And the second one turned out to be insect-like creatures.
Bob Dean spent most of his time on the ship of tall, thin humanoids. They vaguely resembled humans. But, this is the only extraterrestrial civilization with which a person managed to communicate.
Once aliens showed man their planet. It turned out to be very similar to Earth, only much larger. In addition, the planet had 4 satellites, each of which housed mines and raw material processing plants.
On the planet itself, the aliens are kind to nature. Initially, local mines and mines were used to develop civilization and raise the space industry to a high level, but then they were closed and all production was moved to the space level.
The aliens achieved such development in 31 thousand years of their existence. Before that, cosmic life-sowers flew to their planet 8 times and tried to create a civilization. Unfortunately, the experiments failed.
Bob Dean in his interviews talked about details that are worth learning from extraterrestrial colleagues. For example, the recognition of ether, the use of wormholes, the rejection of such a physical quantity as time, since time simply does not exist in nature.
The former soldier conveyed many interesting things in his messages, but almost no one listened to him.
According to information transmitted by extraterrestrials, the material component of the universe will never allow us to be on the same level as the creators of nature. The only way to achieve this is through enlightenment and knowledge.