A 30x VMAs winner! Taylor Swift took home 7 awards to bring her total to 30, surpassing Beyoncé’s record of 25. Taylor also became the first artist to win Video of the Year five times!

In a night of celebration and excitement, Taylor Swift has made history at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). With an impressive haul of seven awards this year, Taylor…

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33K people watched Taylor Swift’s live stream instead of the VMAs

A Well-Deserved Recognition The NAM4 Award is known for honoring the most exceptional talents in the realm of fashion and entertainment. Saribra’s choice as this year’s winner is a testament…

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50 Gorgeous Caramel Highlights to Elevate Brown and Dark Brown Hair

A long bob, or lob, as it is commonly referred to, has continuously been dubbed the hairstyle of the year. It is a much deserved recognition because the style manages to be flattering for a variety of different face shapes, hair textures and complexions. …

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Esta es la razón por la que nunca debes abandonar a tus mascotas: un pez dorado gigante recién capturado rompe récords y pesa hasta 50 kg.

En la región de Champagne (Francia) se ha capturado un pez dorado que ha batido récords. Un pescador arrastró hasta la orilla un ejemplar de 50 kilos. Este diminuto ejemplar pesaba la mitad que el pez que batió récords que se acaba de capturar en Francia. Crédito de la imagen: KoiQuestion, vía Flickr…

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Chic curly bob, Find your perfect style

It may seem at first sight that curly bobs are all alike. In reality you can experiment with finishes and textures, the size of the curl and highlights to make your bob unique and special. Messy curly bob styles with a bedhead effect are appropriate for …

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50 Stunning Caramel Highlights for Brown and Dark Brown Hair

Bob has proudly withstood testing with time and fashion. Being slightly upgraded each season, it does remain fashionable from year to year, its shaggy variant in particular. Shaggy bob often features bangs, soft waves or layers, and the lived-in vibe …

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Se ha descubierto un esturión de lago de 125 años, considerado el más grande jamás capturado en Estados Unidos y el pez de agua dulce más antiguo jamás capturado en el mundo.

Este pez rompe todo tipo de récords. El equipo de pesca del DNR marca al esturión que rompió el récord en la presa de Shawano. Luego, el pez fue liberado para permitirle terminar su ciclo de desove. Crédito de la imagen: Departamento de Recursos Naturales de Wisconsin…

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Saribra Gana el Premio NAM4 2024: Una Victoria que Celebra la Belleza y la Resiliencia

A Well-Deserved Recognition The NAM4 Award is known for honoring the most exceptional talents in the realm of fashion and entertainment. Saribra’s choice as this year’s winner is a testament…

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“Saribra: Seductive Beauty and Inner Strength”

The Allure of Saribra’s Beauty From the moment you lay eyes on Saribra, her beauty captivates. Her features possess a timeless elegance, effortlessly blending sophistication with sensuality. She exudes confidence…

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“Enormous Ancient Skeleton Discovered in Antarctica Ignites Worldwide Mystery”

WATCH VIDEO BELOW 👇👇💥 Unraveling Prehistoric Mysteries: From Megalosaurus to the Cousin of the Wildebeest The video begins with Katrina introducing the fascinating world of dinosaurs, highlighting the discovery of over 1,000 species since the 19th century. …

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