“Ancient Egyptian Embalming Secrets Uncovered in 5,600-Year-Old Mummy!”

Fred proves that Egyptians had been using embalming practices for more than 1,500 years longer than scientists previously believed.

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In a groundbreaking study, researchers have uncovered new insights into ancient Egyptian embalming practices. A recent study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science reveals strong evidence that embalming practices in Ancient Egypt were in place more than 1,500 years earlier than previously believed.

A team of researchers made these conclusions after examining “Fred,” an exceptionally well-preserved mummy discovered more than 100 years ago and housed at Turin’s Egyptian Museum since 1901, according to National Geographic. Before being brought to the museum, the mummy had not undergone any additional preservation methods, suggesting that he would be the perfect subject for investigation into how he was preserved for the first time around.

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Believed to be around 5,600 years old, the Turin mummy was originally thought to be an animal. However, a study examining the remains of the mummy discovered that not only had the mummy actually been embalmed by humans, but that he had been preserved using a recipe similar to those used 2,500 years later on pharaohs and noblemen like King Tut during Egypt’s peak mummification period, according to Live Science.

The study’s co-author, Jana Jones, an Egyptologist at Australia’s Macquarie University, previously examined fragments of linen found around the mummy’s burial location and found evidence that hinted at mummification. However, these hints weren’t enough to convince skeptics that embalming was actually taking place because they had only clothes to examine and no actual bodies. So, to prove their theory, they needed a body — and they turned to Fred to help them gather definitive proof.

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